HRSA 2024 Social Media Campaign Design

Client: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Project Scope: Social Media Campaign Redesign for 2024

Overview: In 2023, HRSA, a government agency, experienced great success with a social media campaign we designed using vector graphics to promote their services in rural communities. For 2024, they focused on refreshing the campaign by incorporating photography to convey the impact of their services in these areas. They also needed an updated copy to reflect the new year’s messaging.

Client Requests: Transition from vector graphics to real-life photography to create a more tangible connection with their audience. Revise the campaign messaging to align with the goals and services HRSA provides in rural areas across the United States. Explore various design options that maintain consistency with the original campaign while offering a fresh, updated look.

Approach: Our team provided HRSA with multiple design concepts, all incorporating high-quality photography that showcased the rural communities they serve. We carefully revised the copy to ensure it conveyed the right message, aligned with HRSA’s mission and resonated with their audience.

Outcome: We exceeded HRSA’s expectations by delivering a versatile and visually impactful campaign that highlighted their services in a more engaging and relatable way. The use of photography provided a new level of authenticity, helping the continued success of their 2024 campaign.
2024 Campaign: HRSA Shifts to Authentic Photography for Greater Impact
2023 Campaign: HRSA Engages Rural Communities with Bold Vector Graphics
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